Forum Replies Created
ParticipantMaybe I’ll get talked into it in Mallorca – still seems crazy though!
Participantmental – too tough for me – super impressed though!
Participantconflicted – I really want to get out on the club rides again but I’ve been doing interval sessions with a group on a Monday night which I think have been doing me a lot of good. I think I’ll hold off till April. Enjoy!
Participantmight have been cancelled for the softies…
ParticipantThanks for the update, Jim – to underline what you’ve said about bike choice – when you did these sessions before I didn’t come along because, despite your assurances, I thought using a hardtail mtb would put me at a serious disadvantage. Having done the past 3 sessions on my CX I realise that I was mistaken and I could easily have used my mtb (I’ve bought 3 new front lights btw!)
Participantwe have been meeting at 6.30 on wednesdays at the fullarton woods car park – thoroughly recommend it!
ParticipantI’ll be back in Biggar (for a festival this time)
ParticipantSadly, I have to offer my apologies – very poor show for a committee member, I know, and I do feel guilty but I got the chance to go to France for a week cycling and it was too good to pass up.
Participantcan’t make wed 27 or wed 04 but would like to improve skills after that – I’m in, thanks!
ParticipantMark – should this be in Club Governance section on website?
There are still 34 places available from the top limit of 75 for this local race. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it (son’s stag weekend) but I really think we should be seeing more FWCC representation to help keep local races viable. The standard isn’t going to be scarily high – elite riders will be doing the Sam Robinson race the same day. It’s an APR – a bit like the Monday night runs where the faster groups set off and chase the slower groups and each group works together to hold off the chasers, so if you’re comfortable in that environment, you’ll be fine here. It’s a 6 x 9 mile lap so if it all gets too much, you’re never too far from the finish. Younger riders especially should be thinking about this – David, Sean (yes, you just make it into the young category) but there is no reason why some of our newer members shouldn’t be doing this too. It’s not as full on as a road race and you’re not as isolated as in a TT, the standard is a bit like the road race at the Rothesay weekend but probably a bit slower and safer. If I wasn’t pre-booked, I’d be doing it.
I didn’t know much about the club pre pandemic, so I don’t know who the racers are but we seem to be fairly quiet on this front post pandemic. It’s time the competitive scene saw more FWCC colour so why not join Darren and Mikey and support a local club putting on a local event? If we don’t use them, we’ll lose them!
(if you have questions, need reassurance, aren’t sure – comment here. I’m sure the collective wisdom can provide the support you need)
Participantdisappointed to miss it (was at a trail race in memory of a friend I had run with since we were teenagers) – great to hear that there were young riders out
Participantit’s miserable out there – if the new guy is up for riding in that he’s exactly the sort of tough rider we need! thanks for looking after the club’s interests Mikey (rather you than me though!)
ParticipantEnjoyed that again tonight but it is definitely a tough workout!
ParticipantTime to join the hamsters, David – best money I ever spent on cycling, you won’t regret buying new!