I will go to gailes
9.30 New guy,turning up Mikey
Feeling rough today Need to give Sunday run a miss Apologies
Will make this after new year likely Asked ayr roads to rearrange
Normal club run Tommorrow
Jim Just drop one of the committee a line for consideration Mikey
Accredited, and would be interested
I will join you Del
Keen to try the tracks
Run cancelled, likely wet conditions with leaves on that circuit Will keep fir a fine autumn,winters day
I’ll be there
Double dukes is planned for this Sunday At the moment, weather looks ok
Will post meet times later in week,for social away day Stick together, nobody dropped,
It’s a club day
See you Sunday
Fiona Will cycle up and join you
Tommorrows ride cancelled due too weather forecast Rearranged for 23rd October
Hopefully better weather
Looking like a possible good bunch on Sunday, but weather looks fowl I’ll make a decision Saturday afternoon and post Likely be cancelled though atvthe moment
Mikey New date would be 23rd October, as hill climb next weekend
Thanks all Likely meet 9.30 Aberfoyle car park It’s free seemingly, and Good morning roll shop
Meet gailes about 7.45 ,and car share?
Will make decision Saturday am,with forecast
@Philip Usually calendar, but was thinking Aberfoyle this time,lunching Aberfoyle before second ascent
Join you next time,sounds good if regular